I consider it essential to prepare our children for the future that awaits them and the ever-increasing demands that will be placed on them. I created the Průhonická Labuť as an English nursery, an English-Czech nursery and a nursery with the highest level in many aspects.
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I consider it essential to prepare our children for the future that awaits them and the ever-increasing demands that will be placed on them. I created the Průhonická Labuť as an English nursery, an English-Czech nursery and a nursery with the highest level in many aspects.
A building with a garden located in Prague 8 - Troja in close proximity to a protected landscape area. Advanced methods of teaching the English language in a fun and natural way, which guarantee that the child will really learn English.
Multi-sensory educational activities and a wide range of interest groups supporting the child in all aspects.