There is always something going on

End of school year The children diligently studied Czech and English throughout the year, they mastered the establishment of new relationships, and picked up a lot of new knowledge and information. Read more Read more Children's Day We always look forward to Children's Day. Competitions, discos, dances, games at children's request and even face painting are held in the kindergarten. Read more Read more A burning witches day in kindergarten How did we celebrate witches? Great as every year. We roasted burritos on the fire. We made potions, we invited snakes, spiders, mice and frogs to the nursery for this day. Read more Read more Easter in kindergarten We wish you a happy EASTER and look forward to seeing you again in kindergarten. Read more Read more Saint Patrick's Day As every year, we celebrated St. Patrick's Day in our branches. There was no shortage of green clothes, green food, but in short, almost everything turned into green. Read more Read more Read more Read more VALENTINE'S DAY SWAN KINDERGARTEN WISHES YOU A BEAUTIFUL, LOVELY VALENTINE'S DAY. Read more Read more Read more National Technical Museum The children went to see the National Technical Museum, where the Mourek and machines program was waiting for them. A lectured program about gadgets. Read more Three Kings Yes, the Three Kings, Kaspar, Melichar and Balthazar also arrived. And there were quite a few of them. They had beautiful crowns, mantles and could sing beautiful songs. Read more The year 2022 We wish everyone a wonderful start to the new year 2022. Read more Children´s performance for parents Twice a year we organize winter and summer final talks for parents. The children had prepared a spectacular performance full of songs, poems, dances, and the preschoolers also performed a wonderful theater. Read more Devils in kindergarten Like every year, the devil visited us with Santa Claus and a beautiful angel also came. Everyone was nice to us and brought us wonderful gifts. Read more Read more Read more Chinese lantern parade As every year, the lantern parade could not be missed in our kindergarten. In the early evening, a whole bunch of us got together. Both parents, children and teachers. Read more Halloween And here it is. We have been looking forward to this day all year. Our nurseries are spookily decorated from roof to basement. Cobwebs with spiders, flying bats await us. Read more Read more Read more Read more The first school day We were very much looking forward to the first day in kindergarten and nursery school. We knew that we had another year full of English, fun, laughter, sports, but also learning and playing. Read more Read more Read more Read more Hooray for the holidays Another year behind us... We are glad that you were and are here with us. We are looking forward to the holidays. In our kindergartens, we look to prehistoric times or to natural elements. Read more TEAMBUILDING 2022 Our team of Swan Kindergartens spent the whole weekend playing collective games that we also play in our kindergartens. Read more PREVENTIVE PROGRAM OF HEALTHY TEETH Preventive programs are running in our kindergartens, we are currently focusing on our teeth. We teach children how to brush their teeth properly. Read more Carnival Every year we celebrated Mardi Gras as it should be. We had a Mardi Gras parade, but also a Mardi Gras parade right in the kindergarten. Bakers, water men, princesses, ghosts came to see us... Read more Preschool preparation Preschool preparation takes place every day. Preparing children for school is a priority for us. Every day we practice graphomotor skills, auditory perception, logical thinking, speech development, we focus on fine and gross motor skills, the correct grip of a pencil and everything related to starting 1st grade. Read more KUNG FU GOES AGAIN You will never be bored with our lecoter Frenkie. Basics of self-defense, positive thinking and combat sports. The Kung Fu class is totally exhausting, and the kids love it. Read more New school year The holidays flew by. In September, we will enter with the right foot and HURRY the 2021/2022 school year is here. We look forward to meeting old and new friends. Read more TROJA LABUT HOLIDAYS In the Troja Labut , the children were treated to gardening in the first half of the holiday, learning the names of flowers and herbs. In the kindergarten, there was planting, digging, cleaning. Read more HOLIDAYS IN PRUHONICE LABUT In the first half of the holiday, the children in Průhonice Labut made a herbarium, learned about herbs, flowers, created a herbarium, learned the names, tasted teas, herbs, cleaned the garden, learned the names. Read more Holidays at ENVICENTRE This year during the holidays we are traveling around the world in our Envicentrum. Individual continents introduce us to the history and customs of the country in question. Read more Preparations for the gazebo Again, time flies. The final performance of our/your children is getting close. Children diligently rehearse, sing, dance and learn poems. This year it will be a little different. Read more The Earth Day Every year our kindergarten celebrates Earth Day. It is very important for us and for our children. We must accept that nature is part of us. That's why we try to clean up our surroundings, sort waste and learn what we can do for our Earth. Read more News from kindergarten The children as well as us were looking forward to spending time together in kindergarten. It's great, we play, learn, have fun, do sports and most of all we love each other sooooo much...Currently from kindergarten Read more Hobbies Interest groups are held every day. You can look forward to, for example, cooking, sports games, dancing, music, happy English, ... Read more Recorder class The recorder club is already in full swing. Children learn sheet music, rhythm, breathing and the basics of playing the flute. Well, isn't it great? Read more The Envicentrum is OPEN again We welcome all our new and old friends. We look forward to seeing you again on Monday. The animals can't wait to see you all again. We will have a great time, we will go to nature, cook and take care of our animal friends. It's going to be brilliant. Read more Kindergarten LIVE Even in such a situation, our kindergarten can help. We broadcast live from Monday to Friday from 8:00 - 17:00. The lessons take place online for children who are at home. Read more Christmas in Kindergarten We love Christmas and you can see it every year in our kindergarten. Carols, gifts, decorations, sweets, gazebos and good mood. You can see and experience all this with us. Read more Kindergartens still in operation Our kindergartens are still open. Education takes place according to standards. We follow the strictest hygiene conditions, and the children are happy to be with us and their friends where they enjoy it. Read more New branch of the Environmental Center in Troja The new kindergarten is in a very beautiful locality of Prague 7 - Troja, the branch is adjacent to the botanical garden and the ZOO, the children will be in charge of more than 10 kinds of animals in the kindergarten. Read more Christmas We love Christmas and you can see it every year in our kindergarten. Carols, gifts, decorations, sweets, gazebos and good mood. You can see and experience all this with us. Read more Baker Pavel In December, the children and I completed a pre-Christmas workshop by Pekař Pavel, where the children learned what types of grain and flour there are, what the work of a baker and miller is like, and what is needed for baking. Read more St. Martin lantern parade As every year, the lantern parade could not be missed in our kindergarten. In the early evening, a whole bunch of us got together. Both parents, children and teachers. Read more Holidays Our holidays have started. The kindergarten is open all year round, which is why we have prepared a slightly different holiday program this year. These holidays we went on a trip around the world. Read more Kindergarten camp We go to the outdoor kindergarten several times a year. We are going to a beautiful village near Jílové near Prague. Our cottage is intended only for the purposes of our nurseries and stays with children. Read more Kbely Airport In Trojská labut, the children visited the Kbely airport. It was a beautiful experience. The children not only saw the outside areas, but thanks to the great staff, they got to see what it looks like inside the plane. Read more A witch's roe in the kindergarten Like every year, witches from all over the world come to us. that's why we prepared a wonderful program for them, full of competitions, songs, good food and there were also grilled pork chops. Read more Ceramics We offer ceramics with a professional teacher all year round. Children work in small groups and thus have enough time and space to work with clay. We also have a pottery oven, where the products can be fired immediately. Read more Environmental education program in Říčany Children from Průhonická Labuta went to the museum in Říčany. Where an environmental educational program called Water, the conductor was waiting for them. Read more Chinese lantern parade As every year, the lantern parade could not be missed in our kindergarten. In the early evening, a whole bunch of us got together. Both parents, children and teachers. Read more Kozlík Theater The Kozlík Puppet Theater presents original and well-known fairy tales in picturesque settings, performed by large wooden marionettes. Each fairy tale is full of beautiful songs and props. Read more Trip to Průhonické Park In the month of May, we went to Průhonický Park. The weather was kind to us, we took blankets and a snack with us and had a picnic in nature. We walked around the park, paying attention to nature and asked each other what is hidden under the name of UNESCO. Read more Health week Health Week takes place in our kindergartens every year in April. Nowadays, it is very important to inculcate a healthy lifestyle in children. Children have learned what is healthy and what is harmful for them. Read more Education block SPACE As every week, our educational activities and thematic blocks change. which are adapted to children in kindergarten. This week we went into space. It was a lot of fun for the kids. Read more Trip to the Ethnographic Museum: The Easter Story Do you know why the morana is raised, what caroling and chasing Judas means? The children from Troja Labut and Průhonice Labut already know this. Read more In March, new tennis lessons began in Průhonice Labut We continue to do what we enjoy. The tennis lesson takes place on a small court in the tennis academy of F. Pála and P. Vízner. The program is adapted to the age and performance of the children. Read more International Women's Day International Women's Day, observed annually on March 8, is an internationally recognized holiday established by the United Nations to mark the anniversary of the New York seamstress strike. Read more

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